So, quarantine/lockdown. This next part you can probably all relate to. Sit at home, kids do schoolwork et cetera, et cetera. Fortunately, we had a spacious bush holiday house to isolate in, even if we had wanted to stay home, our house had been rented because we planned to be away for this year.
There was no shortage of jobs to do up the bush, as we don’t
usually spend too long there. We shifted wood, installed underfloor insulation, lit fires and did some gardening. As well as physical jobs we had to find Dad a new car
online, we were looking for a Ford Ranger and after a lot of trawling through car websites I found the one we ended up buying.
“What about a caravan?” Mum asked Dad,
“No” replied Dad.
Two days later, we’re looking at caravan websites and
caravan sales yards. In the end, we bought a 2015 Jayco Expanda. After buying
the van we got very excited, we bought all kinds of
accessories for it. Coupling locks, wheel clamps, a shower and many other gadgets.
On the 11th of June, we left in our van (after a
few complications in the car, van braking system and the drive shaft). Our
first stop, a free campsite on the Snowy River.